Yellow Balau

Advantages and Disadvantages of Balau Wood

Balau wood is a type of hardwood that comes from trees found in Southeast Asia. People use it for lots of things like making floors, furniture, and even buildings because it’s tough and affordable. It’s good because it doesn’t easily get scratched and dented, and it’s sustainable, which means we can keep using it without hurting the environment too much. But, it can be hard to work with, it might not last very long, and it can sometimes get cracked or bent. It’s also a bit poisonous, so you have to be careful when handling it. Here is the complete guide on the good and bad things about Balau wood, and how to use and take care of it properly.

What is Balau Wood?

Balau wood comes from different kinds of trees found in the tropical rainforests of countries like the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. These trees, called Balau trees, can grow tall, up to 50 meters, and they can live for as long as 400 years. Balau wood is sorted into two main types: Red Balau and Yellow Balau. The difference between them is their color and how they’re treated. Red Balau is darker and reddish-brown, while Yellow Balau is lighter and yellowish-brown.

Balau wood looks special because of its pattern, which can be dark or light brown with darker stripes. It has big holes and twisted lines in the wood, making it look striped when you look at it from the side. Balau wood feels rough and shiny, and it’s kind of coarse.

Balau wood is tough and strong. It’s as heavy as oak or maple, weighing about 53 pounds per cubic foot when dry. It’s even harder than teak or mahogany, with a Janka hardness value of 1,600 pounds. Balau wood is also really good at handling pressure and bending without breaking.

guide Balau Wood

Balau Wood advantages

Balau wood is really good for lots of things because it has special qualities. Some good things about Balau Wood are:

Affordable and Widely Available

Balau wood is a type of hardwood that is both inexpensive and easy to find. It grows at a medium speed, but how fast it grows depends on the specific kind of Balau tree. Balau wood isn’t on any lists that say it’s in danger because of trade. That means it’s not at risk of disappearing because of being traded too much. But, some types of Shorea trees, which are related to Balau, are in danger of dying out because people are using them too much or their homes are being destroyed. So, it’s really important to get Balau wood from places that make sure they’re not hurting the environment when they get the wood.


Balau wood is a type of wood that’s friendly to our planet. It can be collected from forests or special farms without harming the environment. When we’re done with it, it can break down naturally or be used again, which is good for the Earth. Plus, using Balau wood can help keep carbon dioxide out of the air, making our world cleaner and healthier.

Dents and Scratch Proof

Balau wood is super strong and doesn’t get easily scratched or dented. That’s why it’s great for floors and decks because it can handle lots of people walking on it and won’t get messed up easily. It’s also really good for making things like furniture and big buildings because it doesn’t get damaged easily from rubbing or hitting it.


Balau wood looks pretty because it has a nice natural look with warm colors and cool patterns in the grain. You can make it even prettier by painting it, staining it, or putting varnish on it. This also helps keep it safe from getting damaged by the weather. Balau wood can also look good when you mix it with other stuff like metal, glass, or stone to make cool and modern designs.

Balau Wood disadvantages

Balau wood has some bad things that you should consider before using it. Some of the problems with Balau wood are:

Hard to Work With

Balau wood is tough to handle because it’s really hard and heavy. When you try to cut or smooth it, the grain can be tricky and make the wood split or get rough. Also, there’s something called silica in it that can make tools blunt or broken. If the wood isn’t dried well before using it, it might bend or crack because it holds a lot of moisture. And if you want to nail or screw it, you have to be careful and use special tools, or else it might break apart.


Balau wood can be harmful if you’re not careful when working with it. It can make your eyes, skin, throat, and breathing feel uncomfortable because of the dust and vapors it releases. Some people might even get skin rashes, breathing problems like asthma, or even cancer if they’re exposed to it too much. That’s why it’s important to wear things like gloves, masks, and goggles, and have good ventilation when you’re working with Balau wood to stay safe.

Low Durability

Balau wood isn’t very strong, especially when it gets wet or bugs get to it. It can start to break down, get moldy, and even get attacked by fungi, which makes it weaker. Termites, borers, and beetles can also chew through it, leaving holes and tunnels. Plus, it doesn’t handle fire well and can catch fire and burn fast.

Prone to Crack or Warp

Balau wood is easily affected by changes in temperature and humidity, which can make it crack or bend over time. It can also shrink and expand a lot, creating gaps and changing its shape. Sometimes, it can develop cracks and splits, which can make it look different and less sturdy. When it’s in the sun for a long time, it can also lose its color and become less attractive.

How to Use and Maintain Balau Wood Properly

Balau wood can be used for many things like making plywood, floors, decks, furniture, and big buildings. But to make sure it lasts a long time and works well, you need to take care of it properly. Here are some tips for using and looking after Balau wood right.


Before you use Balau wood, it needs to be dried properly to stop it from bending or breaking. You can dry Balau wood either by leaving it to dry naturally or by using a special oven called a kiln. How you dry it depends on how wet you want it to be and how good you want it to look. If you’re using it indoors, it should be about 12% to 15% wet. But if it’s going to be outside, it should be a bit wetter, about 18% to 22%. Also, before you use it, let the Balau wood sit in the place where it’s going to be used for a little while so it can get used to the temperature and humidity. That way, it won’t change its shape too much after you’ve already used it.


To keep Balau wood safe from damage by weather and bugs, it needs to be finished correctly. You can finish Balau wood with oil, wax, stain, paint, or varnish, depending on how you want it to look and what you want it to do. Before you put on the finish, make sure to sand and clean the wood well to make it smooth and even. Also, remember to refinish Balau wood every so often to keep it looking good and strong.


To keep Balau wood clean, you should clean it regularly to get rid of dirt and dust. You can use a soft cloth, a brush, or a vacuum cleaner depending on how dirty it is. If there are stains or spills, you can wipe them with a damp cloth and then dry the wood with a dry cloth to stop it from getting damaged by moisture. Remember not to use strong chemicals or rough materials because they can harm the wood and its finish.


If your Balau wood gets damaged, like if it cracks, splits, gets holes or starts to rot, you should fix it right away. You can use stuff like wood filler, glue, nails, screws, or patches to fix it up, depending on how big the problem is and where it is. After fixing it, you’ll want to sand it down and add a new finish to make it look good again.


Balau wood is a strong and useful hardwood that can be used for many things like making plywood, floors, decks, furniture, and big buildings. It’s good because it’s not too expensive, it’s made in a way that’s good for the environment, it’s really strong, and it doesn’t get scratched or dented easily. But, it’s also hard to work with, it can be harmful if you touch it or breathe it in, it doesn’t last a long time, and it might break or change shape over time. So, if you want to use Balau wood, you need to be careful and take care of it so it lasts a long time and stays good.